Category Archives: Uncategorized

New House!!!

How exciting! Today I found out that everything has fallen into place and gone unconditional so we’re moving! It’s all going to happen really fast, but that’s the way I want it, I am really sick of where I live right now. The best thing about the new place is that there will be a lot more space, which means a study for me and finally a bedroom which will fit a bigger bed! – There is no way I’m getting rid of my Pocahontas Duvet though. I’m going to hold on to that even if it won’t fit my new bed!

It’s also my dad’s birthday today. (A bigger mortgage, what a present huh?) Happy Birthday Dad, even though there is almost no chance you will ever read this.

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New Monitor!

I finally have a second monitor, and it’s beautiful! I can’t wait to put it to use, but first I have to figure out how to plug it in!

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Hello WordPress!

Hi! Well, I’ve finally started a blog that I intend to keep updated! We’ll see how that goes, only time will tell.

I think it’s the right time for me to have started one. I am one lesson away from finishing the Maya Springboard workshop at Animation Mentor. It is a wonderful school, and I look forward posting some animation on this blog to show you my progress through classes 1-6, as well as the occasional pair of painted shoes and film trailers/info that get me way too excited for my own good…

Bear with me, I’m still trying to figure out how wordpress works, but I like it so far so I’m off to a good start.

Sooooooo how do you save this…..?

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