Monthly Archives: March 2010

Class 1. Day 1.

I’ve now officially started training at Animation Mentor! I’m only a day in and the school has completely surpassed my expectations. My mentor is wonderful, her name is Alison Sanders and she currently works for Tippett Studios. She has animated on The Golden Compass, Prince Caspian and The Tale of Despereaux. (I adored ‘Despereaux’!) My class is fantastic too. In fact, all the students are. I was overwhelemed by the amount of friendly welcomes I received on the first day! These people are awesome, I can see already why everyone raves about the AM community.

It was a very pleasant surprise to find some other Kiwis on AM! One of them lives close by, and we’re planning to meet soon. I never would have imagined this happening, I thought I’d be the only one!

We haven’t been given any work to do yet. They’ve given us a week to set up our Profiles and get familiar with the site, but they have given us the ‘Stu’ character so I plan to have a mess around with that as well as check out the schools forums and maybe watch a dvd or two while I still have the time.

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Filed under Animation Mentor

Maya Springboard.

Well, this is it! I’ve finished the Maya Springboard training program at Animation Mentor and I’m set to start class one in 2 days time! I’m hoping to keep this blog updated with my work as I go through my training so I’ll make a start by showing you some of the animation I have done over the last 12 weeks.

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Filed under Animation Mentor

Hello WordPress!

Hi! Well, I’ve finally started a blog that I intend to keep updated! We’ll see how that goes, only time will tell.

I think it’s the right time for me to have started one. I am one lesson away from finishing the Maya Springboard workshop at Animation Mentor. It is a wonderful school, and I look forward posting some animation on this blog to show you my progress through classes 1-6, as well as the occasional pair of painted shoes and film trailers/info that get me way too excited for my own good…

Bear with me, I’m still trying to figure out how wordpress works, but I like it so far so I’m off to a good start.

Sooooooo how do you save this…..?

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